Our Sustainable Future

Here at Pacific Hygiene, we understand that our natural world is unique and precious, particularly here in New Zealand—the biota of New Zealand is amongst the most remarkable on Earth. Long geological isolation from the other continental landmasses has gifted us high species endemism, and we should all be doing whatever we can to preserve this for our children and children’s children.
As a leading manufacturer and importer of hygiene consumables in Australasia—which are necessary for our health and hygiene—we have worked and invested in understanding our environmental footprint as part of our commitment to sustainability and carbon neutrality, for the planet and our future.
Environmental Initiatives
But it’s not just talk. Pacific Hygiene has taken specific, tangible steps and has covered a lot of ground to ensure we walk the talk.
- Planting Native Flora: Planted 600m² of native New Zealand plants at our Head Office in Albany.
- Sustainable Transportation: Transitioning to hybrid vehicles, with a future goal for electric vehicles.
- Energy Efficiency: Using rechargeable forklifts, timer-controlled air conditioning, and LED lighting.
- Water Conservation: Installing sump filters in stormwater drains and using half-flush toilet cisterns.
- Waste Reduction: Diverted 5,000kg of single-use plastic from landfill, promoting recycling and using recyclable materials.
- Employee Education: Encouraging environmental responsibility through training.
Certifications and Partnerships
- Forest Stewardship Council (FSC): Committed to responsible forest management. Read More
- Partnership with Ekos: Collaborating for carbon measurement, reduction, and offsetting.
- EcoVadis: Looking to renew our silver rating this year.
- SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit): is a widely used social compliance audit methodology for ethical sourcing. It assesses labour standards, health and safety, environment, and business ethics in global supply chains.
Our Carbon Report
- Carbon Conscious Business Operations: Measured total emissions of 1,124.30 tCO2e from April 2022 to March 2023.
- Carbon Neutral Goal: Reducing our carbon footprint towards carbon neutrality.
Sustainable Products and Practices
- Pacific Green Range: Launched in 2012, made from 100% recycled materials.
- Post-Consumer Waste Recycling: Transforming used paper into new products.
Corporate Responsibility
Pacific Hygiene is committed to ethical practices, including fair supplier relationships, ethical employment practises and policies against child labour and corruption.

Join the Pacific Hygiene journey
Join us and do your bit for preserving our planet through sustainability and environmental stewardship. For more information, contact us info.nz@pacifichygiene.com or explore our website.